Q-Map: Clinical Concept Mining from Clinical Documents

Over the past decade, there has been a steep rise in
the data-driven analysis in major areas of medicine, such as clinical
decision support system, survival analysis, patient similarity analysis,
image analytics etc. Most of the data in the field are well-structured
and available in numerical or categorical formats which can be used
for experiments directly. But on the opposite end of the spectrum,
there exists a wide expanse of data that is intractable for direct
analysis owing to its unstructured nature which can be found in the
form of discharge summaries, clinical notes, procedural notes which
are in human written narrative format and neither have any relational
model nor any standard grammatical structure. An important step
in the utilization of these texts for such studies is to transform
and process the data to retrieve structured information from the
haystack of irrelevant data using information retrieval and data mining
techniques. To address this problem, the authors present Q-Map in
this paper, which is a simple yet robust system that can sift through
massive datasets with unregulated formats to retrieve structured
information aggressively and efficiently. It is backed by an effective
mining technique which is based on a string matching algorithm
that is indexed on curated knowledge sources, that is both fast
and configurable. The authors also briefly examine its comparative
performance with MetaMap, one of the most reputed tools for medical
concepts retrieval and present the advantages the former displays over
the latter.

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