Phytochemical Study and Biological Activity of Sage (Salvia officinalis L.)

This study presents an attempt to evaluate the
antioxidant potential and antimicrobial activity of methanolic extract,
and essential oils prepared from the leaves of sage (Salvia officinalis
L.). The content of polyphenol in the methanolic extracts from the
leaves of Salvia officinalis was determined spectrophotometrically,
calculated as gallic acid and catechin equivalent. The essential oils
and methanol extract were also subjected to screenings for the
evaluation of their antioxidant activities using 2, 2-diphenyl-1-
picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) test. While the plant essential oils showed
only weak antioxidant activities, its methanol extract was
considerably active in DPPH (IC50 = 37.29 μg/ml) test. Appreciable
total polyphenol content (31.25 mg/g) was also detected for the plant
methanol extract as gallic acid equivalent in the Folin–Ciocalteu test.
The plant was also screened for its antimicrobial activity and good to
moderate inhibitions were recorded for its essential oils, and
methanol extracts against most of the tested microorganisms.
The present investigation revealed that this plant had rich source
of antioxidant properties. It is for this reason that sage has found
increasing application in food formulations.

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