Incidence of Gastrointestinal Parasites among Workers in Major Abattoirs in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Gastrointestinal parasitic infections are common health problems in sub-Saharan Africa. A cross- sectional study was carried out to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites among workers in major abattoirs in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. These abattoirs are located in Trans-Amadi, Rumuodumaya, Mile III and Easter-by-Pass. Formol-ether concentration technique was used to isolate the ova and cysts from faecal samples. Out of 201 workers (herdsmen, butchers, and cleaners) investigated for the presence of these parasites, 89 (44.2%) were infected with one or more parasites. The prevalence of the parasites among herdsmen and cleaners was significantly (P<0.05) higher. However, there was no significant (P>0.05) difference in the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in relation to age. Parasites identified included Ascaris lumbricoide (33.3%), tapeworm (4.97%), Entamoeba histolytica (5.47%), hookworms (13.9%), Trichuris trichiura (9.95%), Gardia lamblia (3.48%), and Schistosoma mansoni (1.9%). The frequency of A.lumbricoide was significantly (P<0.05) higher than other parasites. Many workers (65.2%) had single infection than double (23.6%) and triple infection (11.2%). Sanitary improvements, increased level of personal hygiene, routine surveillance by public health practitioners and veterinary experts as well as hygienic operation using modern technologies to process meat at these abattoirs will go a long way to control occupational gastrointestinal parasites among workers.
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[4] V. Oguama and C. Ekwunife, The need for a better method: Comparison of Direct and Formol-ether concentration techniques in diagnosis of intestinal parasites. The Internet Journal of Tropical Medicine,3(2),2006
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[8] A. Monstressor, D.W.T. Crumpton, D.A. Dundy, P. Hall and C. Saviola, Guidelines for the evaluation of soil transmitted Hemithiasis and Schistosiasis at Community Level. A guide for managers of control programmes, World Health Organization, Geneva. 1998.
[9] J. I. Mbanugo, and C.J. Onyebuchi, Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in Ezinifite Community in Aguata LGA of Anambra State. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 23, 2002, 27-34.
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[11] O.K. Adeyemo, Unhygienic operation of a city abattoir in South western Nigeria: Environmental implication, AJEAM, 4(1), 2002, 23-28.
[12] P.I. Agi, Comparative infections in two rural communities in then Niger Delta, Nigeria. West African Journal of Medicine, 16(4), 1997. 232-236.
[13] L.B. Gboeloh and O.A. Wokoma, Prevalence of intestinal helminths among primary school children in Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. Journal of Nigerian Environmental Society, 5(2), 2009, 66-75.
[14] N. Ogbuagu, C.I. Eneanya, C .Chukwuma, E. N. Obuagu and V.M Oguama,. High Prevalence of Intestinal parasites in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Institution. The Internet Journal of Parasitic Diseases,4(2),2009.
[15] P. C. Mmom, The Niger Delta: A Spatial Perspective to its Development. (Port Harcourt: Zelon Enterprises, 2003, 23-45.
[16] M. Cheesbrough,(). District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Second Edition, (London: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 198-199.
[17] N. Tang and N.J . Luo, A cross-sectional study of intestinal parasitic infections in a rural district of West China. Canadian Journal of Infectious Disease, 14(3), 2003, 159-162.
[18] V. M. Oguama, A. E. Anyasodor, and T.I. Mbata,, Prevalence of protozoa parasites among children aged 5-12years in Owerri Metropolis South Eastern Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Health Science, 15(2), 2008, 43- 48.
[19] O.M. Agbolade, D.O. Akinboye, and A. Awolaja, Intestinal helminthiasis and urinary schistosomiasis in some villages of Ijebu North, Ogun State, Nigeria. African journal of Biotechnology, 3(3), 2004, 206-209.
[20] R.M. Mordi and P.O.A. Ngwodo, A study of blood and gastro-intestinal parasites in Edo State. African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(19), 2007, 2201-2207.
[21] WHO, Prevalence and control of intestinal parasitic infections. WHO Technical Report Series Number 749-783, 1987.
[1] WHO, Public health significance of intestinal parasitic infections. WHO Bulletin, Volume 65(5). 1987
[2] H. Rahidul, Human intestinal parasites. Journal of Health Population and Nutrition, 25 (4), 2007, 387-391.
[3] L. Adekunle, Intestinal Parasites and Nutritional Status of Nigerian Children. African Journal of Biomedical Research, 5, 2002, 115-119.
[4] V. Oguama and C. Ekwunife, The need for a better method: Comparison of Direct and Formol-ether concentration techniques in diagnosis of intestinal parasites. The Internet Journal of Tropical Medicine,3(2),2006
[5] A. Alli, A.F. Kolade, I.O. Okonko, J.C. Nwanze, V.K. Dada, M. Ogundele and A.J. Oyewo, Prevalence of intestinal nematode infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at the University College Hospital, Ibandan, Nigeria. Advances in Applied Science, 2(4), 2011, 1-13.
[6] B.A. Awolaju and O.A Morenikeji, Prevalence and intensity of intestinal parasites in five communities in South-western Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(18), 2009, 4542-4546.
[7] O.A. Adeyeba and A. M. Akinlabi, Intestinal parasitic infections among school children in a rural community, South West Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Parasitology, 23, 2002, 11-18.
[8] A. Monstressor, D.W.T. Crumpton, D.A. Dundy, P. Hall and C. Saviola, Guidelines for the evaluation of soil transmitted Hemithiasis and Schistosiasis at Community Level. A guide for managers of control programmes, World Health Organization, Geneva. 1998.
[9] J. I. Mbanugo, and C.J. Onyebuchi, Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in Ezinifite Community in Aguata LGA of Anambra State. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 23, 2002, 27-34.
[10] T.A. Banjo, A.O.J. Amoo, A. Busari, A.C. Kama, I.A. Lawal, O.A. Ogundahunsi, W.E. Olooto, O.B. Familoni, A.A. Onilude, W.B. Mutiu, K.A. Oyeleere, and G. kama, Intestinal parasites among abattoir workers in Abeokuta. American Journal of Research Communication, 1(10), 2013, 84-96.
[11] O.K. Adeyemo, Unhygienic operation of a city abattoir in South western Nigeria: Environmental implication, AJEAM, 4(1), 2002, 23-28.
[12] P.I. Agi, Comparative infections in two rural communities in then Niger Delta, Nigeria. West African Journal of Medicine, 16(4), 1997. 232-236.
[13] L.B. Gboeloh and O.A. Wokoma, Prevalence of intestinal helminths among primary school children in Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. Journal of Nigerian Environmental Society, 5(2), 2009, 66-75.
[14] N. Ogbuagu, C.I. Eneanya, C .Chukwuma, E. N. Obuagu and V.M Oguama,. High Prevalence of Intestinal parasites in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Institution. The Internet Journal of Parasitic Diseases,4(2),2009.
[15] P. C. Mmom, The Niger Delta: A Spatial Perspective to its Development. (Port Harcourt: Zelon Enterprises, 2003, 23-45.
[16] M. Cheesbrough,(). District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Second Edition, (London: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 198-199.
[17] N. Tang and N.J . Luo, A cross-sectional study of intestinal parasitic infections in a rural district of West China. Canadian Journal of Infectious Disease, 14(3), 2003, 159-162.
[18] V. M. Oguama, A. E. Anyasodor, and T.I. Mbata,, Prevalence of protozoa parasites among children aged 5-12years in Owerri Metropolis South Eastern Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Health Science, 15(2), 2008, 43- 48.
[19] O.M. Agbolade, D.O. Akinboye, and A. Awolaja, Intestinal helminthiasis and urinary schistosomiasis in some villages of Ijebu North, Ogun State, Nigeria. African journal of Biotechnology, 3(3), 2004, 206-209.
[20] R.M. Mordi and P.O.A. Ngwodo, A study of blood and gastro-intestinal parasites in Edo State. African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(19), 2007, 2201-2207.
[21] WHO, Prevalence and control of intestinal parasitic infections. WHO Technical Report Series Number 749-783, 1987.
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