Implementation of TinyHash based on Hash Algorithm for Sensor Network

In recent years, it has been proposed security architecture for sensor network.[2][4]. One of these, TinySec by Chris Kalof, Naveen Sastry, David Wagner had proposed Link layer security architecture, considering some problems of sensor network. (i.e : energy, bandwidth, computation capability,etc). The TinySec employs CBC_mode of encryption and CBC-MAC for authentication based on SkipJack Block Cipher. Currently, This TinySec is incorporated in the TinyOS for sensor network security. This paper introduces TinyHash based on general hash algorithm. TinyHash is the module in order to replace parts of authentication and integrity in the TinySec. it implies that apply hash algorithm on TinySec architecture. For compatibility about TinySec, Components in TinyHash is constructed as similar structure of TinySec. And TinyHash implements the HMAC component for authentication and the Digest component for integrity of messages. Additionally, we define the some interfaces for service associated with hash algorithm.

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