Good Practices in the Development of the Erasmus Mundus Master program in Color in Informatics and Media Technology

The main objective of this paper is to identify and disseminate good practice in quality assurance and enhancement as well as in teaching and learning at master level. This paper focuses on the experience of the Erasmus Mundus Master program CIMET (Color in Informatics and Media Technology). Amongst topics covered, we discuss the adjustments necessary to a curriculum designed for excellent international students and their preparation for a global labor market.

[1] Master Erasmus Mundus CIMET (Color in Informatics and Media
[2] Erasmus Mundus Program, managed by the Education, Audiovisual
and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA),
[3] International Student Handbook (ISH), Master CIMET,
[4] EACOVIROE (Enhance the Attractiveness of Computer Vision and
Robotics in Europe) project,