Fast Approximate Bayesian Contextual Cold Start Learning (FAB-COST)

Cold-start is a notoriously difficult problem which
can occur in recommendation systems, and arises when there is
insufficient information to draw inferences for users or items. To
address this challenge, a contextual bandit algorithm – the Fast
Approximate Bayesian Contextual Cold Start Learning algorithm
(FAB-COST) – is proposed, which is designed to provide improved
accuracy compared to the traditionally used Laplace approximation
in the logistic contextual bandit, while controlling both algorithmic
complexity and computational cost. To this end, FAB-COST uses
a combination of two moment projection variational methods:
Expectation Propagation (EP), which performs well at the cold
start, but becomes slow as the amount of data increases; and
Assumed Density Filtering (ADF), which has slower growth of
computational cost with data size but requires more data to obtain an
acceptable level of accuracy. By switching from EP to ADF when
the dataset becomes large, it is able to exploit their complementary
strengths. The empirical justification for FAB-COST is presented, and
systematically compared to other approaches on simulated data. In a
benchmark against the Laplace approximation on real data consisting
of over 670, 000 impressions from, FAB-COST
demonstrates at one point increase of over 16% in user clicks. On
the basis of these results, it is argued that FAB-COST is likely to
be an attractive approach to cold-start recommendation systems in a
variety of contexts.

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