Design and Implementation of DC-DC Converter with Inc-Cond Algorithm

The most important component affecting the
efficiency of photovoltaic power systems are solar panels. In other
words, efficiency of these systems are significantly affected due to
the being low efficiency of solar panel. Thus, solar panels should be
operated under maximum power point conditions through a power
converter. In this study, design of boost converter has been carried
out with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm which is
incremental conductance (Inc-Cond). By using this algorithm,
importance of power converter in MPPT hardware design, impacts of
MPPT operation have been shown. It is worth noting that initial
operation point is the main criteria for determining the MPPT
performance. In addition, it is shown that if value of load resistance is
lower than critical value, failure operation is realized. For these
analyzes, direct duty control is used for simplifying the control.

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