A Brain Controlled Robotic Gait Trainer for Neurorehabilitation

This paper discusses a brain controlled robotic gait
trainer for neurorehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) patients.
Patients suffering from Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) become unable to
execute motion control of their lower proximities due to degeneration
of spinal cord neurons. The presented approach can help SCI patients
in neuro-rehabilitation training by directly translating patient motor
imagery into walkers motion commands and thus bypassing spinal
cord neurons completely. A non-invasive EEG based brain-computer
interface is used for capturing patient neural activity. For signal
processing and classification, an open source software (OpenVibe)
is used. Classifiers categorize the patient motor imagery (MI) into
a specific set of commands that are further translated into walker
motion commands. The robotic walker also employs fall detection
for ensuring safety of patient during gait training and can act as a
support for SCI patients. The gait trainer is tested with subjects, and
satisfactory results were achieved.

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