Ethical and Legal Issues on Investment Casting of Functionally Graded Materials for Medical Automation

Additive Manufacturing is utilized in medical automation to optimize and integrate materials in accordance to energy source type leading to treatment gaps in industrial designs for extreme biomechanical forces in relation with vibration, fluid transfer, and multi-physics performance. Elastic/piezoelectric materials are strongly ordered inter-metallics for characterization of distinct features that can provide excellent compositional strength, ductility, and uniformity for superelastic shape memory alloy on medical devices. Several theories can be derived to analyze and interpret complex problems on the application of functionally graded materials used in medical machinery for genome architecture. Numerical principles on fluid and thermodynamics such as Reynolds number, Darcy rule, Friction Factor and Heat Rate are integrated with fundamental equation of numerical vibrations using Helmholtz equation. Simulation by Large Eddy approach and genetic modeling can be done using Physical and Chemical Vapor Deposition following various theories on Carrera’s Unified Formulations by comparing with various Classical Plate Theories, Equivalent Single Layer Theories, Layer-Wise Theories, Zig-Zag Theories, and Mixed Refined Variational Theories. The subject is approached towards the application of ethical and legal problems in order to resolve issues on consent and return of results.

Spectroscopic Determination of Functionalized Active Principles from Coleus aromaticus Benth Leaf Extract Using Ionic Liquids

Green chemistry for plant extraction of active principles is the main interest of many researchers concerned with climate change. While classical organic solvents are detrimental to our environment, greener alternatives to ionic liquids are very promising for sustainable organic chemistry. This study focused on the determination of functional groups observed in the main constituents from the ionic liquid extracts of Coleus aromaticus Benth leaves using FT-IR Spectroscopy. Moreover, this research aimed to determine the best ionic liquid that can separate functionalized plant constituents from the leaves Coleus aromaticus Benth using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Coleus aromaticus Benth leaf extract in different ionic liquids, elucidated pharmacologically important functional groups present in major constituents of the plant, namely, rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid. In connection to distinctive appearance of functional groups in the spectrum and highest % transmittance, potassium chloride-glycerol is the best ionic liquid for green extraction.