Examining Occupational Health and Safety Inspection and Supervision in Turkey by Comparison to EU Countries

This study aims to examine the application of
occupational health and safety supervision in Turkey and EU
countries in terms of legal regulations. The results of research reveal
that occupational health and safety supervision in EU countries,
whatever the understanding of welfare state, is effectively carried out
and almost all legal regulations on this subject are consistent with the
EU directives. On the other hand, there are serious problems in
applications, not legal regulations, of occupational health and safety
supervision in Turkey by the side of EU countries. Indeed, Turkey
has modern regulations on occupational health and safety supervision
whereas there are several problems such as ignoring prevention
policy on occupational health and safety supervision, understanding
of monotype inspector, problems resulting from this understanding
and dispersed structure of occupational health and safety
organizations in workplaces. As a result, Turkey needs to carry out
effective supervision mechanisms.

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